Pain Relief Methods of Labor
- Birthing Ball – GRMC has two birthing balls available for use.
- Peanut Ball – GRMC has two peanut balls available for use. This will help mom by opening up her hips and allowing baby to progress to birth canal.
- Patterned Breathing – Breathing techniques provide comfort and focus while enhancing labor progress.
- Movement and Position Changes – Moving about during labor is usually more comfortable than staying still and can help labor progress by the simple effects of gravity and the changing shape of the pelvis.
- Superficial Heat and Cold – Heat can be effective when applied by using hot moist towels, or warm blankets. While cold can come from an ice bag or washcloths soaked in ice water.
- Counter-Pressure – Steady, strong force applied to one spot on the lower back during contractions. This helps alleviate back pain during labor, especially in those women experiencing “back labor”.
- Touch and Massage – Touch or massages can convey pain-reducing messages.
- Aromatherapy – Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils such as lavender, rose, chamomile, and sage.
- Focus and Distraction – Methods of coping with pain rely on the ability to focus and use mind-diverting activities.
- Audio-Analgesia – Music creates a peaceful and relaxing environment and aids in relaxation. Carefully chosen music can also reinforce rhythmic breathing patterns.